Monday, March 12, 2012

A Dream Journal as Well?

I've had another dream that I can actually recall having. I haven't had many dreams that I can...and it kind of scares me. I remember dreaming a lot more. This one was very short and it's leaving me perplexed as to what it can mean.

I use to have a friend in school that I would see often in class. We had one class in Freshman year and hit it off swimmingly. I had another class with him when I was a Junior. I was in the closet then and tried not to develop feelings for him...which was really hard. Then we had a class in college...and that's when I couldn't hold it back. I confessed my feelings for him over text while drunk at a party. He declined me and told me he was straight. The friendship was never the same afterwards.

The strange thing though...was before we even had a class with each other...I had a dream about him. I dreamed that I was walking up a path up a hill. It was a path in a residential neighborhood and I had no clue where I was. It was night time and there were fences on either side of the path. I reached the top and looked to my left.

There was a house with a light on over its garage and it illuminated the driveway. There were a couple of trucks and as I was walking still I noticed my friend walk around the corner of one. I ran back behind the fence and watched. He was just loitering around...waiting. I didn't want to approach him because I felt it would be awkward. When I woke I thought it weird but didn't really pay mind to it. That is until six weeks later we had a class together.

This dream however...makes me wonder what's in store. If it means anything...

I can't remember what led up to that point which I remember so clearly. He was there. Where "there" was I can't recall. Everything was dark except each other. He approached me with his eyes fixated on mine. I opened my mouth to protest his invasion of my bubble...but then was silenced by his kiss. I gave in to the passion...and I could feel the warmth and softness of his lips. I woke.

He kissed me. He's straight. I tried to fight back...but gave in. There's nothing in these dream interpretations of this kind. There's one of homosexual kissing but not conflicted sexual orientations of this nature. Considering he's made it clear he's not homosexual and I've given up on him as prospect...why dream this? Do I wish for the impossible?


  1. Maybe? Sometimes I think we all wish for the impossible. It's easy to wish for the probable. :)

    I don't believe in allowing others to tell you what your dreams mean, because only the dreamer can decide for sure. However, there is one book in which the dream symbolism is defined in a way that jibes with my gut responses to my own dreams. In this book, kissing represents honesty.

    This book also contends that all figures in the dream represent an aspect of the dreamer's own mind, which makes sense since we the dreamers are making it all up. The question then becomes which aspect(s) of yourself does your friend represent? To help figure this out, imagine that you are describing him to someone who's never met him before and you can only do so by using 3 words. Which 3 words would you use? There's a very good chance that this is the aspect of yourself he represents in your dreams.

    Also, I'm heterosexual and I have dreams about kissing women all the time. For a long time I thought maybe I was gay, and maybe I am, but I think it is more about the symbolism. I dream about kissing men too. Only you can say for sure what it means for you.

    Good luck!

    1. Thank you for the comment! I never imagined someone would read this blog. lol

      I'm usually the one in my circle of friends doing the interpretations since I'm the most the knowledgeable about such things. It's hard for me, though, to do any interpretations for myself. I also do tarot readings...but they, also, never seem to work for myself. I think it's just easier for me as an outside observer. xP

      Your comment, though, has made the dream make more sense. Well...not really, but it's given me more information.

      If I had to describe my friend in three words they would be: An artist, hardworking, and somewhat of an insomniac. It's weird though... He suffers from terrible nightmares. He never told me what kind but if his art was anything like his dreams...I don't know if I would be able to handle it.

      He's a nice guy (and not as disturbed as his art makes him seem) and even after I told him my feelings for him...he was still very accepting. The only estrangement we had was because of me.

      But honesty in regards to those aspects...
      I'm an "artist", but it's not something I feel I have talent for or could make a living off of.

      I'm not very hard working...

      I don't sleep well myself...but not from having dreams, but seemingly from a lack of them.

      But the more I think about be honest, I don't know him that well. He was more of a really good acquaintance in high school and even in college. Maybe I only remembered this dream because it was something my subconscious wants but knows it can't have and clings to it in the dream world?

  2. I don't know, but I wish you all the best in figuring it out for yourself.
