Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Soul

I'm glad I found your post. Like you I had a sudden realization myself. Mine, however, was a process to this end, which in of itself is just a way station on to some unknown goal.

Your post reaffirms my conviction that I am headed somewhere with these crazy ideas. I'm a scientist at heart but it's not easy to reconcile spiritually with what I see before me, even when what I learn proves contrary to what science has shown me.

Your idea of a human trinity is exactly the same light bulb that went off in my head. Your reasoning the same as mine, with one difference: the orientation of the trinity.

We forget that we are a mirror of God's image. A mirror. A reflection of every detail with synchronicity of movement and presence. However, we know this of God: He lies at the top, as the head of the trinity, where the spirit and the son are below him as the body.

He commands these things below him, which are essentially parts of him, like our limbs are to our brain. This trinity is not unlike our own, but instead of one master commanding the Human Trinity, we have two.

If you think of the Trinity of God as a Triangle with God being its highest point, then our own Trinity would be a 180 shift in orientation. Where God controls the body in his Trinity, the body control ours.

My own theory on this is half-baked with Existentialist origins. I'm studying to become a Sociologist and I am guided by reason and observation. My own insight into the human condition is no better than the next, but however, the fact the Self is not the Brain begets more questions of what that means; ones which I hope to find out.

Hopefully my answers will become easier once my quarter in Social Psychology is over. Which, in its own right, is an overlap of two very distinct fields of thought. With the ever encroaching merging of Eastern and Western thought I feel we are coming closer to identifying what the soul really is.

I wrote this comment on a person's status after I had come to my own conclusion of the dichotomy of mankind and the divine. I've always pondered the need of the divine and mankind, as if prayer fueled their very being, but considering the trinity in this regard almost seems to suggest a link between these two concepts.

The nature of I being a component of our psyche separate of the natural body and mind seems to whisper what theologians and psychologists have sought after: the soul. The only degree I wield is a high school diploma which in academic terms means my arguments hold no merit. This, however, does not discourage me. Numerous figures throughout history have had doubts cast upon them and their theories, yet here they are in our textbooks. My favorites include Einstein, whom was a poor student, and Isaac Newton whom invented Calculus to explain the natural world when his school was closed during an outbreak of the plague.

However, a number of things which I read seem to portend a change in our understandings of mankind. Each discovery moves ever closer to a more fuller understanding of the cosmos and with it, ourselves. Who is to say that our discoveries in theology have any less merit to the human condition than that of science? I submit to you this: What if Social Theory is a scientific approach to what Theology has been qualitatively attempting to find? Through empirical and qualitative methods we're starting from the same point yet traveling in opposite directions. Their course however encircles their very world and reaches the same end but meeting each other face to face in knowing awareness.

In this regard the manuscripts of Nietzsche in The Birth of Tragedy begin to seem more than merely existentialist angst but more of the reality of understanding the dichotomies of science and religion, reason and faith, and of reality and the unknown. I submit as well, that we see the world in Greek metaphor once more. I wrote this to my friend:

It is Zeus who brought us Order through Rules and Structure. This was only achieved by reigning in the destructive forces of the Titans (our primal and turbulent emotions) through Power and Punishment. This was the Age of Man. The Order which served Mankind suffers from the weight of rules it has come to endure. Its foundations falter with the uncaring eye of Zeus witnessing its fall.

This is the sign of Zeus' influence waning and the coming of his usurper: Athena. She is the Goddess of Knowledge, Art, Wisdom, and Fertility. The Virgin Mother and Goddess. The Age of Woman.

I wonder about my sanity too much.

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