Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dream Entry 3

This is the third time now, that I've had a dream that it was the end of the world. Though I reflect on the dream, it's never really certain if it is. This one terrified me more than anything else, because it was so vivid. My last one was as well, but not nearly as long as this one.

I can't remember how it starts out, but I remember being outside my grandmother's house. I can't recall why I'm there or if anyone is with me, but I have the assumption that I had just gotten there. As I am approaching the patio I get this intense feeling of dread. I turn around to see the early phases of the sunset turn quickly from yellow to a red. There's a flash of bright light and the clouds quickly begin to approach my location. I can see  the wall of force from whatever collided.

I know what I am seeing in the dream and know running is pointless, even though my instinct is to run into the house for cover. The wall of force hits me milliseconds later and I black out. The moment of darkness is over and I'm awake, standing in my house. I am immediately filled with the anxiety that I may be dead. I see my brother walking towards the living room and I ask him a question. At first he doesn't acknowledge my existence, frightening me further, so I yell his name with a bit of anger. He stops and looks at me and I get the impression that he says, "What?" His look doesn't look frightened or bewildered, rather annoyed that I am yelling at him. I'm instantly calmed, even if he is a bit mad at me then.

Feeling assured that I am still alive I quickly check the window to see what happened in my black out. There's nothing familiar outside the window. It doesn't make sense of what the destruction should clearly have created. Some of it does...the roads are gone and there's mud and water everywhere. It looks like it's raining slightly. But where there should be acres of houses lies a massive hill with very old and tall coniferous trees. Like we've been transplanted to some forested area in western Washington. A lot of them are collapsed, leaving trunks and logs everywhere. It vaguely looked like a lumber site. Then I see some of them start to collapse towards our house. I step to the side several times as they crash through the house.

Though now that I am writing this I remember, between feeling assured I wasn't dead and checking the window, that me and my mom started fighting. I remember feeling extremely frustrated and extremely mad. I don't even think there was a reason for the fight, but that's when I just let loose. I start firing insults at her, one after the other. She doesn't even look bothered...in fact I think she's throwing some back at me, which just makes me even more mad. I'm crying and swearing and basically being belligerent towards her. But that fades away to me looking out the windows.

After the trees collapsed into our house I get the feeling I decided to go look around outside and see what I can find for help. The dream moves me to some abandoned hotel where a bunch of people are staying. I'm going from room to room looking at what's happening to see if there's any news of what happened. But then weird stuff started happening again and it became a monster chase. I never see what's chasing me but I eventually get away. I always tend to for some reason. The dream ends on me discussing something with a famous actor about our previous relationship (though I think I know whom my brain was trying to portray). I think the famous actor was a metaphor for how I see this person. And I wake up to now and feeling a little stunned.

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