Monday, April 9, 2012

Reminder of Failure

I started writing something once on Tumblr. It was a long post about how music is put down when music is meant to be celebrated. It was about trends and all that, but that's a different story.

Yet, today, I started thinking about it again. It was that story that gives rise to this one. I wondered why I never posted it? I wanted to look at it again. Yet before I had begun the trek of searching it out, it dawned on me...

I deleted it. Why did I do that again?


My own doubts. It was the fact that it was a piece of me that I was putting out there on display. It just sitting there on the To-Do list, that only had one agenda; my incomplete opinion.

It wasn't half-baked like others, where I only have a suspicion of it being right. I know what music is to our senses, our aesthetics, and the degree to which it moves all mankind. I experience it all myself.

It wasn't incomplete. It was a true idea, in my mind, worth spreading. But my own doubts clouded my certainty. I was afraid. I wasn't sure how others would perceive it. I don't expect anyone to read this...I haven't networked that much with it. So far these are just my own thoughts. And that, gives me comfort.

A place where everything which I have thought can be recorded, without judgement, and hopefully one where others will one day glean insight. Yet that ending is still unwritten.

I want to write more and hopefully this piece will remind me of that goal. Just write!

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